El Banco Mundial ofrece becas para estudiar en distintos paises y distintas universidades
Para mas informacion puedes acceceder y visitar a la siguiente direccion:
Beneficios: |
- Asignación monetaria mensual, cobertura total. A monthly subsistence allowance to cover living
- expenses, including books.
- Beca completa, cobertura total. The JJ/WBGSP scholarship provides annual awards to cover
- the cost of completing a master´s degree or its equivalent. The awards are given for one
- year and, provided that the academic program is longer than one year, may be renewed for
- a second consecutive year or a portion thereof, subject to satisfactory academic performance
- in the first year and the availability of funds. There is an absolute two year maximum limit on JJ/WBGSP awards.
- Beca parcial, cobertura ninguna. No aplica.
- Boletos aéreos, cobertura total. Economy class air ticket between the home country and the
- host university at the start of the study program and one return journey following
- the end of the overall scholarship period. In addition to the ticket, scholars
- receive a US$500 travel allowance for each trip.
- Matrícula, cobertura total.
- Otros, cobertura ninguna. The JJ/WBGSP scholarship does not cover:
(*)expenses for the scholar"s family.
(*)extra-curricular courses or training.
(*)language training.
(*)additional travel during the course of the study program.
(*)additional expenses related to research, supplementary educational materials, field trips,
- or participation in workshops, seminars, or internships while at the host university.
(*)educational equipment such as computers.
- Seguro médico, cobertura total. The cost of basic medical and accident insurrance
- usually obtained through the university.
Documentación requerida: |
- Certificado médico reciente con timbre médico: Be in good health.
- Constancia de experiencia laboral: Have, by March 31 2012, at least 2,
- preferably 4 to 5 years of recent full time professional experience acquired after a university
- degree, in the applicant´s home country or in another developing country.
- Edad límite: Be born afteer March 31, 1972.
- Título universitario: Bachelor´s degree or its equivalent.
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